Timeless Principles for Good Leadership - Episode 8: Good leaders seek self-knowledge

Ledarskap | LJUDKLIPP | MARS 2025

The content of this podcast is based on an article series on good leadership, written by Per Winblad, CEO and Editor-in-Chief at Motivation.se. The article series, entitled "Tidlösa Principer för Gott Ledarskap" ("Timeless Principles for Good Leadership"), explores the qualities of a good leader, using King Solomon's proverbs as inspiration *.

This episode describes principles of good leadership, emphasizes that self-awareness is the foundation of good leadership. By understanding ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses, we can become more authentic, build stronger relationships and inspire others.

Introduction: Self-Knowledge as Foundation

Already the ancient Greeks emphasized the importance of self-knowledge, with the inscription "Know thyself" above temple entrances. They knew that as we grow in wisdom about who we are, our strengths and weaknesses, our behavior, what we want and why, we will simultaneously be more authentic, which strengthens our leadership and gives us the opportunity to achieve success with other people in the long term.

Inner Work and Outer Success

Private victories precede public victories. We must take responsibility for our reactions and choose how we respond to situations. "In this choice, between what happens to us and how we react, lies our freedom as humans."

Honesty and Trust

Good leaders build trust by being honest, trustworthy and consistent. The essence of being a good leader is to act consistently from the inside out. It means starting with yourself.

Accept Yourself

Loving yourself means accepting yourself as you are, with both good and less good sides. Loving yourself starts with accepting yourself as you are, with both good sides and what we have learned to perceive as faults and flaws. You must focus on the positive and what you can develop, i.e. have a constructive approach.

The fear that hinders

The fear that others will discover our weaknesses can lead us to try to hide them. The more we dare to see our shadow sides, the more certain the picture becomes of how we can come out into the light.

Developing Others

A good leader helps others increase their self-awareness through constructive feedback focused on strengths. A good leader helps the individuals in their group to increase self-awareness."

Happiness and Self-Knowledge

With good self-knowledge, we can enjoy life more and forgive ourselves and others more easily.

Wisdom and Success

To love wisdom is to love yourself and thereby increase your chances of success.

Set aside time for reflection

In today's fast pace, it is important to set aside time for reflection and to listen to your inner voice. Increasing our self-awareness requires reflection and sincerity. In the fast pace we live in today, we need to take time to think and listen to our inner voice - time to find our inner possibilities.

Practical Advice for Leaders

  • Set aside time for reflection.
  • Seek feedback from others.
  • Recognize that strengths can be weaknesses and vice versa.
  • Concentrate on your strengths and see the rest as development opportunities.
  • Encourage others' strengths.
  • Create routines for inner work and relaxation.
  • Seek support from a mentor or coach.
  • Feel a calling to create something bigger and more important.

Quote from Solomon *

"It is better to rule oneself than to rule an entire army."

"Fear of man is a dangerous trap."

"Only good people can fully enjoy life."

"A good man is led by his honesty."

"He who loves wisdom loves himself and will succeed."

"A soft answer turns away anger, but harsh words cause strife."

"Everyone likes to give good advice, but how wonderful it is to be able to give it at the right time and at the right time."

12. Conclusion

This paper emphasizes that self-awareness is an essential quality for successful and sustainable leadership. By investing in our own inner work, we can not only lead ourselves better, but also create a positive impact on the people we lead and the world around us. To live in accordance with one's values, seek context, have an openness to learning and not be afraid to see one's weaknesses. Then you can help others and achieve a better and bigger goal.

Source: Excerpts from "Tidlösa Principer för Gott Ledarskap” - a series of articles written by Per Winblad

* According to the Old Testament, Solomon was king of Israel during the 9th century BC. and ruled for 40 years. He was the son of King David and Bathsheba. He is known for his wisdom and for being the one who was allowed to carry out his father's plans to build the temple in Jerusalem. Source: Wikipedia

The Wisdom of Leadership

Timeless Principles for Good Leadership Pod

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This podcast episode is an experiment where we have used AI and Machine learning to configure the content of the podcast from articles previously published by Motivation.se. We appreciate your feedback on how you think this works and what you get out of listening to the podcast.

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